Our Services

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Allied Services

At Mo & Associates we provide compliance services for our DNFBP client. This is a one-stop-shop for clients that are registered with authorities for the purpose of ensuring their compliance o regulatory requirements.

The Compliance hub will provide an end-to-end compliance solution to all type of DNFBPs in line with regulatory requirements and in addition to individual training and compliance assessment to meet those requirements. This will afford the operating DNFBPs the opportunity to focus on growing its business as this give it a centralized resource that helps the DNFBP adhere to regulatory requirements and implement robust compliance measures.

While we understand that AML/CFT/CPF compliance is a major factor within a DNFBP business, we are also not unmindful of the attendant cost of compliance to individual DNFBPs, as some of them have smaller volume and less complex transactions and coverage, yet they can be exploited for ML/TF/PF purposes with great consequences to both business, industry, and country compliance rating. As such this hub will provide several individual DNFBPs within the same sector the opportunity to share cost of compliance thus, reducing the cost when paid individually.

Mo and Associates provides the following to its DNFBP clients.

  1. Industry registration
  2. Set-up of a complete compliance program for each category of DNFBPs
  3. Develop a SAR/STR reporting platform to cater for each individual DNFBP and ensure timely reporting to SCUML through its reporting platform.
  4. Provision of a compliance software for the generation of STR and other mandatory reports to authorities
  5. Periodic Risk Assessment and compliance assessment and monitoring
  6. Conduct of Compliance Audit, Customer due diligence and onboarding process amongst others

In addition, Mo & Associates provides both customized and off the shelf training modules for DNFBPs and training can be delivered both virtually and face-to-face.

We assist with the identification of data sources for transactions related to customers under review and will work with client’s staff and data owners to ensure data integrity by fulfilling all data integrity elements: Completeness, Accuracy and Timeliness and Authorized.

We analyze the transaction profile to determine the scenarios and parameter values to be implemented in the transaction analysis. Based on this information, we build customized models using logic to meet our client’s risk assessment transaction profile, perform a threshold analysis to determine appropriate monitoring levels, analyze test alerts to assess the thresholds, and in accordance with the different likely scenarios.

We prepare the production environment and generate alerts based on the migration of all test data, customer and transaction data, and scenario code. As a part of this preparation, we develop tailored procedures and conduct training for all staff assigned to the transaction review process.

In case of generating Suspicious Transactions Reports (STRs) or Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) our team works with client to agree and develop what warrants STRs or SARs and designed models for their automatic generation for human review and filing process. During such, we will work with the client team to develop a standard for STRs/SARs drafts, the STRs/SARs narrative, and STRs/SARs reviewers to verify the information and ensure that the narrative is clear, concise, and accurate. We complete each STRs/SAR in accordance with local regulatory requirements and will pass the completed STRs/SARs form developed to the institution for final approval and submission to appropriate authorities.

When institutions experience an unusually high volume of alerts either monthly or weekly, we can assist with clearing a backlog of alerts for such institutions. Because of our flexible approach, we can develop new models for that purpose or use or tweak our/the client’s traditional lookback model for the purpose of a backlog review, utilizing our client’s existing protocols or develop a blended approach. Depending on our client’s needs, we can offer co-sourcing or staff augmentation options for alert clearing or SAR/STR drafting for short- or long-term projects. We also have analysts who are trained in surveillance, list screening, and due diligence tools and offer such Analyst to our clients for staff augmentation on a short- or long-term basis. Our senior practitioners have in-depth experience with some transaction monitoring systems. With the ability to work remotely or at our client’s place of business, our teams are available on a global basis to meet the needs of our clients’ global businesses.

At Mo & Associates we also provide advisory services to corporations, governments, Law Enforcement, Intelligence organizations on threat assessments, crime analysis, asset tracing while providing Financial Institutions and designated non-financial businesses and professions on how to assess, manage and mitigate AML/CFT/PF and Fraud risks. Our team of experts and experienced former law enforcement officers and intelligence agents brings diverse cultural, geographic, industry, and functional expertise and the ability to dive into the most challenging geographies, situations, and industries.

We leverage investigative experience honed through decades of service in different law enforcement and intelligence fields including diverse knowledge of data analytics and artificial intelligence, couple with a robust network of long-standing and trusted relationships with regulators, law enforcement, industry leaders, and other facets of society to derive intelligence for our clients. We use our expertise and experience to craft risk mitigation strategies for our clients and to support them in executing those strategies.

Our intelligence and risk advisory services teams assist clients in multiple areas:
• Strategic Intelligence – Through our crime analysis and strategic forecast unit we provide strategic forecast for events and threat assessments of incidents for law enforcement action, provides insights into the risks and opportunities to businesses for the purpose of competitive advantage, geopolitical issues, and market entry.
• Dispute Advisory Services – we provide facts, evidence, and intelligence gathering in the context of for corporations in dispute resolution issues, business disputes, as well as arbitration and litigation. We separate fact from fiction and deliver a clear version of events to clients, regulators, the media, and shareholders. We leverage our network of skilled human assets in various industries and sectors and our experience and knowledge of crime and policing skills to assess the strength and risk of a case, gather the evidence to support clients’ legal and public relations strategies, and advise on strategy, negotiations, settlement, and financing options.
• Due Diligence- we identify legal, commercial, financial crime, or integrity risks related to investments and transactions, third parties and vendors, politically exposed persons, and witnesses and build profiles on each of them for guidance to our clients where they need to understand the other party in the preparation for business engagement.

We assist clients in the development of compliance structures and further provide compliance audit for them to ensure the efficacy of the compliance structures. In doing so we make use of our risk assessment report conducted on the client’s business and provide them with a tailored compliance structure.

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